COVID-19 Update


To all of our valued Tack Addict friends and customers, as the COVID-19 outbreak continues to evolve, challenging times call for creative solutions. Here at The Tack Addict we are working hard taking extra precautions to keep you safe to enable you to still attend the store, or shop on-line to get your fix.

In-Store, we have hand sanitizer ready for you to use and lots of soap and water for mid-shop wash up. We are sanitizing hard surfaces regularly throughout the day and following Health Canada guidelines to keep both you and our staff safe.

Unfortunately, we have had to reduce our staff to deal with slower times, so we are asking our customers to call ahead to arrange a time to bring in your consignment items.  This is also a safety step for our staff and customers as we have to touch and inspect the product before displaying it for sale.  Prearranged appointments and drop offs are available Tuesday-Saturday. Please email us at [email protected], or call us at 778-278-8738.

We do ask our customers to help eliminate the risk by following guidelines set out by Health Canada. If you have been outside of Canada, had contact with someone in isolation or experiencing and flu like symptoms, please stay away.

We will be working hard behind the scenes to make sure all of your favorite items are available on our web store, where you can shop twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, but as of Monday, March23rd, we will be reducing store hours to by appointment only,  Wednesday through Sunday. Hours for the remainder of this week will be 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Buck’n Clean drop offs and pickups at The Tack Addict, can also be booked by contacting Sue, at 604-788-1380.

Our goal is to continue being your favorite consignment tack shop, so get acquainted with our on -line store at  and your first purchase qualifies you for 10% off (saddles excluded), plus each purchase qualifies for a ballot to win a $100 gift certificate! We all need something to look forward to, so we will draw the winner on April 30.

If you buy something on-line for the next 30 days, we will provide free delivery to your home or barn compliments of The Tack Addict and Buck’n Clean as long as it is in the Fraser Valley.

Thank heavens the good old-fashioned telephone still works.  We are available to discuss your needs over the phone at any time during shop hours or contact us through our on-line store anytime.

We will of course, we monitoring the situation on an ongoing basis, we hope to resume normal operations as soon as it is safe to do so.

Thank you for your loyalty to The Tack Addict and Buck’n Clean.  Please stay healthy!

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